

New decision apps, an open source decision model hub, and an individual plan

Many awesome projects and people underpin the optimization world. We're making mvs to surface more open source model code for real-world impact and better support individual decision modelers.

Nextmv 1.0: Accelerate decision model development with a DecisionOps platform

Our first major version has landed – merging tools for building, testing, deploying, and managing decision models into one platform. Ship more models, rapidly iterate and improve, and make greater operational impacts with Nextmv.

Release: Shadow testing for decision models in Nextmv

Shadow testing isn’t just for the MLOps crowd. Decision algorithm teams can have it too for their optimization models solving routing, scheduling, allocation, and fulfillment problems across supply chain, retail, healthcare, and more.

Introducing acceptance testing: it’s like CI/CD for your decision algorithm

We’re thrilled to announce the beta release of algorithm acceptance testing with Nextmv. We’ve streamlined making go/no-go decisions for decision model changes – paving a clear path to production.

Nextmv + Onfleet: Partnership Announcement

It’s now easier than ever to pair Nextmv's extensible route optimization engine with Onfleet's dispatch and fleet management platform to give customers more control over automated route assignment while flexibly representing customer business logic and rules.

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