
Getting started with DecisionOps for decision science models using Gurobi

Learn how to accelerate development of decision models that use Gurobi with tools for historical and online testing, run history, model management, and model collaboration.

Operationalizing Java-based OR-Tools decision models

Learn how to create a decision service with your Java OR-Tools model using Nextmv. Deploy an existing model or accelerate the development of a new Java model with testing, CI/CD, and more.

Nextmv Gurobi integration speedrun demo

See how the Nextmv Gurobi integration works in the Nextmv platform. With a few commands, you can apply DecisionOps to your decision modeling workflow to build, test, and deploy faster.

Comparing decision models in operational environments with switchback testing

When you’re ready to have a candidate model make true operational decisions, it’s time for switchback testing. Kick off an experiment and analyze how your new decision model measures up to your current model in production.

An introduction to Nextplot for open source plotting with JSON

Marius shares the origin story of Nextplot, explains how it's built, and demonstrates how to use it for plotting points and routes.

Nextplot demo: An open source route visualization tool for JSON

Learn how to use Nextplot to visualize points, routes, and more on a map.