
What's new at Nextmv? Solver and data integrations, simulating scenarios, and ML+OR

Join us for a tour of the newest features and get a sneak peek of what’s to come. See how our decision science platform helps teams launch and scale optimization projects faster and with more confidence.

Getting started with DecisionOps – Live Nextmv workshop

In this hands-on workshop designed for operations researchers (decision scientists), developers, and data scientists, participants will get a guided introduction to DecisionOps via the Nextmv platform.

How to bring your custom Python decision model to Nextmv

In this step-by-step video, we’ll walk you through deploying a Python OR-Tools traveling salesperson problem (TSP) model using the Nextmv Python template.

Operationalizing HiGHS-based MIP models and Q&A with project developers

What is HiGHS? How is it used for MIP solving? And how can you accelerate the impact of decision models that use open source projects? We’ll cover all of this with a live walkthrough, demo, and a Q&A with the HiGHS project maintainers.

Combining machine learning (ML) and operations research (OR) through horizontal computing

In the on-demand logistics space, ML and OR are colliding more frequently with practitioners generating demand forecasts that feed into shift scheduling models that feed into vehicle routing models. How can we benefit from their combined value more often?

Vehicle activation penalties to encourage vehicle efficiency (vehicle routing, VRP)

Learn how to use vehicle activation penalties to encourage vehicle efficiency. This is sometimes known as prioritizing backhaul when going back to a depot.