Optimization modeling with AMPL, Streamlit, and Nextmv: A stochastic facility location example

Decision science applications used in industry need to be adaptable to changing business requirements and accessible for stakeholder buy-in and team collaboration. 

One way to achieve this is by integrating AMPL for modeling and solving, Nextmv for model deployment and testing, and Streamlit for visualization and user interaction. Together, these three technologies provide decision science and operations research teams the opportunity to accelerate real-world impact of decision models.

In this techtalk, join Filipe Brandão, AMPL Head of Development, and Nicole Misek, Nextmv VP of Engineering, as they discuss the value of integrating these tools together, share insights into the process, and walk through a live demo. They’ll do so through the lens of a facility location optimization example that leverages stochastic models and accounts for multiple constraints (e.g., transportation costs, labor availability, etc.). 

Key topics

  • Model setup and formulation with AMPL
  • AMPL model deployment and testing with Nextmv
  • Integrating Streamlit with AMPL and Nextmv to build an optimization model UI 

Related links

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Presented by
Head of Development at AMPL
VP of Decision Engineering