Looking to innovate in operations research? Or better translate academic research to industrial practice? Build or practice modeling skills set up for real-world impact? Check out this starter guide to hosting challenges on Nextmv.
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The ops-ification of disciplines such as software development, machine learning, and security aims to increase efficiency and reduce risk. For decision science and operations research — a discipline built on efficiency — it’s no different.
If you’re solving mixed-integer programming problems in Python, the latest Nextmv app will accelerate your development. Deploy, test, manage, and collaborate on your HiGHSpy model with our DecisionOps platform.
To solve the complex transportation challenges of school districts nationwide, HopSkipDrive leverages Nextmv’s building blocks to develop its proprietary and customizable student routing solution.
Follow this step-by-step tutorial to go from a forecasted demand to optimized routes for delivery and similar use cases. Create and customize decision apps using OR-Tools, HiGHS, Pyomo, and more.
Identify and link operational areas that benefit from decision models such as vehicle routing, worker scheduling, and order fulfillment – empowering your teams to deliver more decision AI projects faster.