
What is a decision model test bench? Why have one? And how to use Nextmv as one.

Model testing saves time and improves outcomes. But it’s not always possible to perform tests in the same environment as your production runs. That’s where a test bench comes in.

Shift scheduling optimization: Generating shift types, planning for demand, and assigning workers

Solving a workforce scheduling problem? Not sure where to start? We walk through the basics and cover what you need to know about optimizing and automating shift scheduling.

Nextmv Pyomo integration: Build, test, deploy Python-based decision models faster

Do you model optimization problems with Python and Pyomo? The Nextmv Pyomo integration makes it easier than ever to run, test, and deploy Pyomo models using Nexmv’s DecisionOps platform.

Should I use map or traffic data for my vehicle routing problem (VRP)?

When planning routes for vehicles, it’s reasonable to think you want to incorporate map or traffic data. But it’s not always needed and is often an investment if you decide to pursue it. We look at how to decide.

Community conversation with founders at Ox and The Rounds

How do logistics and automation intertwine? What are common misconceptions about decision automation? How do efficiency and sustainability power the circular economy? We asked startup founders these questions and more.

Nextmv 1.0: Accelerate decision model development with a DecisionOps platform

Our first major version has landed – merging tools for building, testing, deploying, and managing decision models into one platform. Ship more models, rapidly iterate and improve, and make greater operational impacts with Nextmv.